We never really get a sense of what's going on with her, how her actions are affecting her. She's allowed to vacillate between Grieving and Angry but that's the extent of her depth. Garner's character is too opaque to be that interesting. This isn't No Country for Old Men here it's barely the eightieth rendition of Death Wish. The only characters we're really rooting for her to topple, to watch them be punished on screen for their misdeeds, and it's off-screen. The three gang members responsible for killing Riley's family are themselves killed around the 45-minute mark, and they're killed off-screen in a terribly anti-climactic and abrupt plot move robbing the viewer of any sort of emotional punch watching our heroine gain her years-in-the-making vengeance. Why not? The problem is that there's so little thought put to the characters, the plot, the action, and even the structure of basic payoffs. Garner was kicking (peppermint) butt and taking names for years on TV's Alias. Clearly this was sold to film executives as a "lady Punisher or Taken" and it's from the director of the first Taken, Pierre Morel. I'm in no way against this kind of movie, or direct-to-DVD action entities, but it all comes down to development and execution, and that's where Peppermint slips up, having peaked at the idea stage. It's easy to understand the appeal of the lurid revenge fantasy, but they require more effort than Peppermint is willing to provide if they're to rise above the litany of direct-to-DVD drivel. This is basically another Death Wish-style grisly revenge thriller when, as a true sign of how repeated this formula has become, we already even had a literal Death Wish remake with Bruce Willis earlier in 2018. She takes her one-woman crusade against the gang, the cartel, and the corrupt judges and lawyers who serve them, while the police, lead by John Gallagher Jr., try and stop her from going too far and becoming the very monster that she's been fighting to protect others from. When she returns, she's become a ninja trained in an array of weapons.
#Peppermint movie poster 2018 free
A corrupt legal system lets the killers go free and Riley disappears for five years. Then one day Latinx gang members brazenly gun down her husband and child.

Our heroine, Riley North (Garner), started as mild-mannered mom and bank teller. As asinine and odd as this whole endeavor reads for you, this might actually be the best part of Peppermint, a rote and tiresome action exercise that does too little too often and squanders the resources of a perfectly game Garner.

"blood" mystery can ever be resolved, the filmmakers decided to cut the entire verbal exchange from the finished version, leaving no reason for Peppermint to be called Peppermint other than the daughter's passing affinity for the ice cream flavor. If I concentrate on either interpretation, I can hear it. Try it yourself and see what you hear, then listen for the other word (it's like the new yanny/laurel aural conundrum). She has "love in her heart, snow in her eyes," and the final claim, "peppermint in her blood." At least I'm certain it's got to be "blood," because the first time I watched this trailer and my ears got a hold of that line, it genuinely sounded like Garner was saying "peppermint in her butt." This flummoxed me and even more so that they would name the movie after this. It opens with Jennifer Garner repeating the precious nursery rhyme claim about her daughter's virtues. I invite all my readers to re-watch the trailer for Peppermint and apply this simple listening test.